How you manage your open source licenses with Debricked

Breaking news! Our tool now features a brand new view where you can see and manage all of your open source licenses. Let’s have a look at what you can achieve with the license view.
After a whole lot of waiting (and a whole lot of work from our tireless devs <3) the license view is finally live inside the Debricked tool.
It allows you to get an overview of all the licenses in your repositories as well as insight on any compliance risks you might be facing. Let’s have a look!

The tool features a number of different ways of viewing license data; on repo, dependency or license level. Please see the documentation for more detail.
Customizable risk assessment
Depending on what your project or company does and which purpose serves, there are different aspects of compliance to keep track of. Therefore, we’ve created a way of calculating risk individually for each repository by combining the license details with the use case of the repo.
This makes it possible to take more aspects into account when dealing with compliance issues, and understand your risks on a deeper level.
Proactive License Compliance
As has been demonstrated above, there are lots of ways to get a better understanding of the state of licenses in your software – and there’s even more to come!
In a short while, you’ll be able to deal with licenses in a more proactive manner using our policy engine. Stay tuned! 🙂
If you still haven’t tried our tool out, it’s really about time! Get started for free here.