Debricked Wrapped 2023: What you need to know about our year (and next)

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Debricked Wrapped 2023: What you need to know about our year (and next)

👋 Marketing team here! Every January, we wrap things up with highlights and learnings from the previous year, but 2023 is different. This time, we do the review earlier – in December to be precise. Even though it may not be as Instagramable as Spotify Wrapped, it will be all about Debricked.

THE product highlights

Managing vulnerabilities in open source components used to be a heavy lift, often marred by clunky UI and sometimes poor UX that could sap the motivation to use the tool. At Debricked, we’re committed to changing this narrative. For us, user-friendliness and seamless design are non-negotiable.

2023 was not a year we forsook this commitment. On top of the faster loading speed in our Dependency table (by 99%!) and more stable vulnerability algorithms, we completed the Overview page with two widgets – License Risk and Vulnerabilities Fixed. All widgets display real-time data and can be customized to meet specific needs.

The Debricked's Overview Page UI

Now, let’s dive into more product updates that will elevate your journey with us.

Larger needs call for bigger capabilities

Streamlining the onboarding experience further, our enterprise customers can now set up Single Sign-On (SSO) integrations with various identity providers and gain immediate and centralized access control. With the authentication handled by the SSO provider, we’re saying goodbye to creating and remembering separate login credentials.

Another Enterprise-focused feature we’ve released is Role-Based Access Control. Evolving from just two access levels, it allows precise user permissions management with multiple access scopes and levels. Thanks to this, teams will have better control over what functionality and data can be accessed by different users.

Our exclusive command line interface

The Debricked's original CLI logo

This year, we’ve introduced an updated Debricked CLI that integrates open source security and license compliance directly into your project through the command prompt. This new feature boasts enhanced usability, quicker scanning, simpler integrations, and the option to install it as a standalone tool.

Available through our CLI, high-performance scanning efficiently resolves full dependency trees for package managers without lock files. This cutting-edge technology enables the generation of Debricked lock files locally, ensuring more secure, accurate, and reliable scans without needing server-side file generation.

Expanded support to keep the ball rolling

One of 2022’s game-changing launches, Root Fix, offers a comprehensive view of dependencies, trees, relations, and associated vulnerabilities. Most importantly, it gives you a clear direction on how to fix all of your vulnerabilities, both direct and indirect. We already support some of the most popular package managers, and this year, C# through NuGet joined the list.

To keep growing our ecosystem with the most in-demand organizations across the globe, we’ve prioritized at-scale integration. 2023 automatically meant building out documentation and solutions native to different CI/CD tools, reducing the friction of integrating multiple repositories. Our latest materials cover GitHub Actions, Azure Pipelines, Bitbucket, and GitLab, with more resources on the horizon.

To top it all, certifications and compliance

For us, security is always top of mind. By conducting ISO 27001 and SOC 2 audits, Debricked is now also certified according to ISO 27001, and we have a SOC 2 Type II report. This serves as evidence that we comply with the stringent security requirements that should be expected from us.

Gartner Magic Quadrant deserves its own spotlight

A milestone. An achievement. A peak. A highlight. As the Swedish proverb goes, “a beloved child has many names.” We’re still on cloud nine from being named a leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Security Testing, together with Fortify and OpenText Cybersecurity.

Definitely a testament to our mission of helping organizations venture securely and easily into the open source universe.

2023 didn’t end there

Evidently, 2023 extended beyond product upgrades. Back in fall 2022, our Customer Success team spearheaded one of the most ambitious projects yet. And earlier this year, Debricked’s own community platform, the Portal, came to life! Think of it as your virtual cafĂ©, where open source enthusiasts and Debricked users come together to share, learn, and get inspired. The launch went off without a hitch and taught us a great deal. Patience, strong structure, and teamwork, to name a few.

In a remarkable turn of events. Flash forward to a few months into 2023, and bam! OpenText acquired Micro Focus, giving birth to Debricked by OpenText! It’s like adding rocket fuel to our mission.

Throughout the year, we networked away with new and familiar faces at events like Open Source Summit Europe, Øredev, and Arkad.

The Debricked team at Open Source Summit Europe 2023 in Bilbao

There’s nothing quite like connecting over a good chat about Debricked and open source, not to mention our self-developed game “Save the Galaxy,” which was incredibly well-received. So much so that people had asked us if we were in the video game business.đŸ„č

Debricked's Save the Galaxy game UI.

Top intentions for 2024

Ever since our first recap in 2021 and the second one in 2022, we made sure to share our plans for the year to come. We can’t skip that now, can we?

In the first half of the year, you can expect a Select browser extension – set to become every developer’s best bud! It promotes the ‘choose the right open source from the outset’ approach, bringing this ability to your fingertips. We also look forward to making both Manifest-less matching (for Java & C#) and Reachability Analysis (for Java) generally available to all our users!

Manifest-less matching will enable us to identify dependencies outside of your manifest- and lock files, while Reachability Analysis will be a powerful tool to help you prioritize your vulnerabilities. This enhancement is part of our broader effort to ensure superior data quality, more seamless integration, and improved remediation capabilities.

That’s it, folks. Thank you for making it this far and joining us on this spectacular excursion. We look forward to another year of helping you create great products using open source. And remember, don’t start over in 2024. Start Left.