Product Update: Q4 Edition

Our marketing team keeps telling me that I’m much better at keeping deadlines for our product roadmap than for writing content. They are right, of course, and it has been more than a month since my last update.
But, dwelling on past mistakes does no good so instead – let’s look at the deadlines we did keep and the cool stuff we produced as a result!
Global Automations
The Automation Engine has always been one of my favorite features in the tool, but it’s had one fault that made it hard to use for some customers since inception. You could only create automation rules for one repo at a time.
For users running a micro services architecture, and other users with multiple repos, this was an unfortunate show stopper. I know that I wouldn’t want to manually create the same eight rules over and over for 200 repos.

Now, you can select one, several, or all repos connected to Debricked and create rules that are applied for all the selected repos simultaneously. We also added automations directly to the left menu so that it’s easier to find and use.
Repository groups
Another issue shared by users with a large amount of repositories has been to easily find and track a subset of the repos, that for different reasons share a connection, that belong to a group.
It could be that a team is responsible for 5 different repos and would want to group those for easy tracking. Or it could be that a team is responsible for 3 different products, all containing 4 different repos.

As the name suggests, repo groups allow users to group repos together into whatever structure fits their needs – and track the group’s collective vulnerabilities in one place. For each group you can always see a list of repos contained in that group, a list of all vulnerabilities found in the group and a list of all dependencies found in the group.
API access
If there’s one thing we’re proud of, it’s the beautiful UI of our service. However, we know that not everyone loves spending time inside a user interface. Therefore, we’ve made everything in our service reachable by API!
Yes, we mean it. Every action you can take inside the Debricked product is now possible through our API (except for automations… ETA is early next year).
The Debricked API is free for everyone to use, only limited by request limits.
Try it out by, for example, solving vulnerabilities automatically through the API.
… and much more
Those were the major releases the past month (and a few days), but much more has happened. A selection of other improvements include:
Giving the “create reports” button a new home
It now lives in the top right corner of every view in the UI where report creation is available, and has changed name from a hard-to-pronounce icon to “Create Report”.
Whitelisting email domains for GitHub SSO
Added a feature to whitelist email domains for GitHub SSO. This provides greater control when offboarding users, by ensuring that disabling their access to the company email address and GitHub account cut’s them off from their Debricked access as well.
Improving health metrics in dependency table views
Health metrics now use the same scale 0-100 as in Open Source Select and are color-coded accordingly.