Debricked launches improved PHP support

We are happy to announce that we have just improved the PHP support in the Debricked tool! Making it easier than ever before to keep track of your PHP vulnerabilities and license risks.
What is included in the update?
The update includes added support for Composer’s composer.json file. We now support the following Composer dependency file formats:
- composer.json
- composer.lock
We support both direct and indirect dependencies for PHP. For more details, please visit our PHP documentation.
How can I try it out?
Connect Debricked to a repository containing at least one of the supported file formats, push a commit and the scan will start!
What’s next?
While we will continue to validate our PHP support. Our tests indicate that we, at the time of writing this, have a precision* in excess of 90% and with a very high recall**.
*Precision is measured by dividing the total amount of true positive results with the total amount of results.
** Recall is measured by dividing the total amount of true positive results with the total amount of vulnerabilities available for a given set of dependencies