Your guide in the galaxy of communities

Compare and evaluate open source dependencies before selecting what to bring into your codebase.

illustration spaceship searching planets galaxy debricked.webp
illustration spaceship searching planets galaxy debricked.webp

Unlock Resources with Automated Open-Source Discovery and Intake - Forrester Consulting study

commissioned by Debricked by OpenText, 2024


illustration android hand showing simplified service ui debricked


A healthy codebase is key

Project health is an important aspect to consider when selecting open source. Help your developers make informed decisions and choose projects that benefit your organization.

Search among over 40 million projects

Put projects side by side

Compare popularity, community and security scores

Make informed decisions

illustration of two space character and two robots in market place looking at colorful cubes
illustration of two space character and two robots in market place looking at colorful cubes


Future-proof your code

There’s much more to open source risk than just license compliance and vulnerability management.

Decaying communities

Continuously and automatically identify, fix and prevent vulnerabilities in open source dependencies. Scan at every commit and get notified when new vulnerabilities appear.

Unsupported packages

Ensure and maintain open source compliance with automated and enforceable pipeline rules. Calculate risk levels for your repositories based on intended use.

Unresolved vulnerabilities

Evaluate and compare open source depen-dencies before intake to ensure high quality. Monitor projects over time, get community insights and identify potential risks.


Open source health metrics


Contributors are the ones with the power to make a project thrive - or die. Make sure to choose projects that are on the rising, not decaying.

Achieving compliance through automation

Letting us in on how you intend to use your repo’s allows us to calculate which licenses are safe to use and which might cause you trouble.

Exporting a license report

Let relevant stakeholders get an easy overview of the state of compliance. Export a report over all licenses in your account and send it to anyone.

A healthy codebase is just a click away

Getting started with the debricked toolkit is incredibly simple. Integrate and get your first results within minutes.


Useful resources

Learn more about best practices, new findings and industry news.

What is open source health by Debricked What is open source health by Debricked

What is open source health?

Debricked is approaching the question of how to score and determine the health of open source in a new data driven and quantitative way.

Introducing Open Source Select by Debricked What is open source health by Debricked

Open source maturity- Getting started and reaching higher levels

In the previous post, we discussed the Open Source Maturity model, which provided an overview of the different levels of maturity a company can achieve on its journey toward becoming experts in using open source.